CNY 2013 officially close ! Ulala ~ :D

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 8:38 PM
Few days ago, 2013 Chinese New Year had officially ended. I managed to 'harvest' around few hundred bucks of cash for this 15 days. I harvested slightly more compared to last year. I turned over a new leaf during this period. Usually I gambled everyday but this year, I only do it 2 or 3 times. Even not 100% 'new leaf', at least should have 90%, right ? I really appreciate this year's celebration as every year it's different and we should appreciate it. Hope to gather more next year ! Ulala ~ :D

- Ulala ! Snake Year ! -

14th - Valentine's Day !

Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 11:20 PM
First and foremost, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone ! Everyday on this day, all couples would be walking around, drinking coffee with one cup only and other sweet stuff. I learn from an article that, if you, yourself and your partner are really together, then everyday's Valentine's Day. There's no need to go and make the crowd more busy and yet we still need to pay plus the prices are high. Just love your partner and cherish them. Don't lose them unless you want to regret about it. To my friends, have a sweet Valentine's Day but don't let your parents spot y'all have boyfriend/girlfriend :P

- Love and cherish them and never lose them -

Fast learning, a gift ?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 10:34 PM
I've just got back from my music lesson and I find that my progression is quite slow. I wanted to master it before September, the best is on the July as I have time to practice plus my trial is around the corner by that moment. My teacher doesn't know have the ways for fast learning except of skipping some parts of my lesson but the consequences that I've to start all over again from basics 101. I told him about this problem and he promised me to help me to find a way for fast learning. After the class ends, I told my parents about it and my dad immediately scolded me "You don't have any heart in learning it. For me when I was young, I can master the drum course by months compared to others who take years." I told my that that how long he practice per day and he replied back with 3-4 hours. Given my schedule, how am I suppose to practice 3-4 hours ? He replied back that all given are reasons. If you really want to practice and improve, you will manage to get practice time. I was like " why don't you try my life ? Every night I have class. Reach home will be around 4.00 pm and my lunch until 5.00 pm. After packing and prep for tomorrow's schooling, all is left time to bath. Please, don't compare your time with mine.

- Practice makes perfect -

2013 Chinese New Year

Sunday, February 3, 2013 at 9:34 PM
Approximately around 6 days more and the year of snake will be visiting all Chinese around the globe for the whole year. Many homes are starting to new-year-cleaning, stocking up food, elderly calling their children at the big city, working and etc. This is the time where all family members reunite once again after haven't met for months long. There're some family that even didn't met each other for years. Chinese New Year is one of the best thing happening in my family and others too. 2 days before the new year arrive, all relatives came back home and met each other. !st day of new year, all the moneys are given in the red packet. Never forget the gambling too where some of the relatives win and lose money. In short, Chinese New Year are among the best celebration in a year. Happy Chinese New Year to all those who are celebrating.

- 祝大家恭喜发财, 新年快乐, 万事如意, 身体健康, 红到发紫 -

Family Happenings Can Change The Whole Mood

at 9:18 PM
I just got the news that a very dear friend of mine, that her mother had just recently passed away on the 1st of February. Her mother died of cancer. Though I may not knew her mother, yet I'd still respect her, just like I respected everyone. Let's give a moment of silence to honor her mother. To her family and especially my friend, my deepest condolences to your family. Please stay strong all moments.

- She didn't died. She just went back home - Tommy Lee Jones -